Ceres Academy

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Why root cuttings in nurseries using paper pots?

As part of today’s Ceres Academy, our expert Michal Stuchlik has prepared a text for you answering a question we have been asked more than once, and the answer is definitely longer than a few sentences. We hope that after reading this text you yourself will want to try rooting cuttings in your nursery using […]


Dlaczego warto ukorzeniać sadzonki roślin iglastych w paper potach?

Zima jest klasycznym momentem, w którym większość szkółkarzy zaczyna przygotowywać sadzonki roślin iglastych. Metod na ukorzenianie sadzonek jest mnóstwo ale widzimy, że paper poty znalazły swoje miejsce w czołówce tych metod. Są one niezwykle skuteczne i zbierają pozytywne opinie od wielu lat. Do ukorzeniania sadzonek iglastych najczęściej wybierane są paper poty o średnicy 25 lub […]


Plant logistics on nursery farms – how to approach it?

You are probably aware that crop production is a cycle that consists of many stages, each of which is equally important, and it is very difficult to abandon any of them. Many manufacturers are looking for technological solutions that can streamline individual steps, thereby facilitating the entire production cycle. Most often, we see a focus […]


Conveyor belts – an overview of available solutions

As part of the Ceres Academy, we decided to prepare for you an overview of conveyor belts, which have been very popular for many years and are widely used in many stages of production. They are most often used during potting, where they are used to connect individual units into entire production lines, e.g. potter […]


How to Take Care of Plant Cutting Machines

Regular maintenance and servicing of machines are a guarantee of their proper operation for a long time. This is obvious but in the flurry of daily duties not everyone and not always remembers and applies it. Therefore, we remind you: TAKE CARE OF YOUR MACHINES! It is best to follow the guidelines of machine manufacturers, […]


4 Pillars of Sustainable Production

Another season of gaining experience with beneficial microorganisms is upon us. Our customers are increasingly recognizing the need and reasons for their use. All of our preparations fall under the term “substrate enhancers” . Not only soil, but also substrates and even rock wool. The fungi and bacteria we supply are organisms that have been […]


Application of paper sweats in laboratories

As part of today’s Ceres Academy, our specialist Tomasz Szuławy will tell you about rooting plants in paper pots, where the starting material is plants from in-vitro laboratories. Paper sweat sizes used by laboratories are primarily 15 mm and 20 mm. At Ceres, we have the ability to produce paper sweats from a substrate of […]


Altuna AB32 Electric Secateurs

As part of today’s Ceres Academy in the field, we show you with Andrew Urbanek the operation of the Altuna AB32 electric pruner! The AB32 electric secateurs are characterized by: It has a 16.8-volt battery. The work of one battery is 2-3 h. It was equipped with titanium blades, which are characterized by very high […]


Application of paper sweats in ornamental plant nurseries

Our expert Tomasz Szuławy will share with you his knowledge of paper sweats used in ornamental plant nurseries. He will tell you about the purpose and advantages of paper sweats in sizes: 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and even 50 mm! At Ceres, we have the ability to produce paper sweats from a substrate of […]


Find out if the Altuna AB42 Titanium pruning shear is for you.

Altuna AB42 Titanium Secateurs is a professional electric secateurs equipped with a titanium blade, so it works much more efficiently to provide a great cut, and the blade itself is more resistant to damage and has a longer life.You can cut branches up to 42 mm in diameter with it, which makes it especially suitable […]


What exactly does the use of paper sweats provide?

This is one of the best ways to root plants. Thanks to optimal air and water conditions, the use of paper sweats has a beneficial effect on the process of root formation and increases the number of accepted plants. Using paper sweats significantly reduces the time of the rooting process, and thus reduces the cost […]


Rooting bed plants in paper pots – expert advice from Ceres

Paper pots are widely used in rooting bed plants and flowers. Ceres expert distinguished paper sweats of the best size for rooting bed plants and flowers, these are paper sweats in size: 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 35 mm. In the case of bed plants, we have the option of using paper pots of […]


How to design a production line?

Each farm has its own characteristics. The production processes are similar, but the process of planting the same plants can be done in different ways. Single machines can be used for this purpose, or several machines put together, which we will already call a production line. Of course, the complexity of the lines sometimes varies […]


7 reasons why you should invest in a complete mulching system

Crop mulching is becoming an everyday occurrence on a growing number of nursery farms. Many nurserymen have been convinced by this method of weed control in pots, but some still have doubts. Why invest in a complete potting mulching system? 1. MULCH LIMITS WEED GROWTH – good mulch is designed to limit weed control. By […]


Do you know any solution for weeds? Here are our suggestions

We are increasingly being asked if we have a solution that will eliminate the need to weed pots and make it easier for nurserymen to combat this problem. The ideal duo is Santop mulch and an automatic potting machine with a water station. What is the process based on? The idea is based on covering […]


7 important aspects to pay attention to before choosing a potter

The potter is one of the basic machines. There are many of them on the market, the question is which one to choose? We know that the choice is not easy, and it is the choice that determines whether the work with the potter will be easy, light and pleasant. When we asked our customers […]


Coconut mats – the most common questions

Ceres Kokopak coconut mats are very popular among strawberry growers. They are the best substrate for growing high-quality fruit, and every year more and more customers choose them. As part of the Ceres Academy, we have published a series of videos on Ceres Kokopak mats, where you can find all the most important information, but […]


How does the Klozer formulation work on pests?

Scabies, swellings, thrips, aphids, whiteflies, butterfly caterpillars, fly larvae, spider mites, wireworms? Their presence in a crop field or greenhouse is a real threat to plant health! Klozer is a formulation containing live microorganisms to support plant growth, approved for use on organic crops in the EU. KLOZER promotes the growth of beneficial fungal microflora […]


Polypropylene fabrics and their importance in better plant growth

Polypropylene fabrics are materials designed by design to dumb down and block weed growth. Thanks to their structure, they have high mechanical strength and provide maximum protection against weed growth. Equally important for plant growers is the fact that they allow water and air to pass through, which contributes to rapid plant growth, such as […]


San Top – 100% biological buckwheat hull mulch

Weeds are one of the many problems that occur in nurseries, so it is important to be able to prevent them with proven methods and ? if possible ? that do not have a negative impact on the environment. – One method of fighting weeds in pots is to use various types of herbicides. In […]

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